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Trauma Clinic Online

In association with Inspired Solutions Hypnotherapy

Rewind Therapy reviews

The following reviews come from a number of different clients & therapists with the IARTT:

“That rewind thing was brilliant”




"I can’t believe what a difference it has made to me. I never thought I would be able to forget about it. I am aware that it happened, but I don't seem to be able to recall much about it, so it doesn’t really effect me any more. Thank you so much"




“As if a weight had been lifted”




“You have allowed me to re order so many emotions, and put to bed memories that have haunted me for years. Words cannot describe how grateful I am, you’ve essentially given me my life back. I don’t feel broken any more.”





"After our last session I realised that I didn't need to hold onto those memories any longer"




"It doesn't come back unless I want to discuss it now."




”It’s as if it’s disappeared”




"[Rewind therapy has] teased the demon that lived in me for most of my life out of it’s lair and between us both we killed it, dramatic words but such has been my life, thanks a million times"




"The rewind came straight in and I felt in control"




“It's actually crazy what a difference it has made!!! No idea how it worked I was so sceptical. Amazing!! I genuinely noticed a difference so quickly. Literally the next day.”




"It worked very well I haven’t thought about it once since we did the treatment... Now my life is much better than before, I like getting up in the morning and seeing what the day brings."








"It might sound funny, but I felt as if something just lifted from shoulders"




“I went into the session full of scepticism, but I actually can’t believe the difference! I am so impressed, I feel completely different now”




"I feel like I can see the rape in my mind and I know that it happened but my mind won't allow me to think about it with out taking me straight away from the rape and back to the good parts of the night almost instantly and if I do think about it at all its with no emotions what so ever like it happened to someone else. The feeling is exhilarating after so many years of the rape being such a huge emotional burden on my life to not feel it is amazing I went to sleep last night for the first time in years with no dreams and no anxiety attacks which is an incredible feeling."




“It has been remarkable. I’m surprised how much it has changed. It’s a relief. I wish this [Rewind] could have happened sooner.”








"You have no idea how much this has changed for me. I can finally relax and not keep myself constantly busy (that was pretty tiring)”




"Enjoying life again"




"I am able to travel in cars with no problem at all now, I am even taking driving lessons myself and have no flashbacks or dreams. In fact I barely even think about it. Its amazing, I can’t believe how quick and easy the technique was."




"So much better, lighter and calmer"




"My 'trauma' was related to what had happened to my close family member, I had been suffering vicariously. My own score on the training day was 45 and has since gone down to zero. I am more than pleased."




"So effective, I feel I have my life back again"




"I haven't had any flashbacks or intrusive thoughts, I feel so much happier."




"Images do not happen any more and the intrusive thoughts are dramatically reduced. I am feeling so much more positive about my future now."

You can review 100+ cases of trauma recovery with Rewind Therapy, including those above, on the IARTT website here

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